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Orange Pom pom flower against a dark background

Your Creative Self

Incorporating simple creative activities and fun can be an affirming way to relieve stress and learn something new, which is good for brain health.

Our Suggestions.

Make a list of activities you want to explore. Hang it on your refrigerator so you can refer to it, or put it on an index card by your computer. Your next step is gathering the needed material and making it happen. Keep a variety of supplies so that you can explore until you find an activity that best suits your creative need. The hardest part is getting started. It’s best to commit to trying an activity several times before giving up. Please put it on your calendar and stick to it.

A Palette with paint and a loaded brush.
A sewing machine with floral fabric under the presser foot.
Earth tone yarns knitted in a stripe with knitting needles.
A red Crochet Hook on a crocheted floral motif.
Embroidery hoop with cross-stiching in progress on a surface with yarn and scissors
A person in a tan hoddie in a nature photography setup.
A close-up of the body and neck of a guitar
A person in a grey apron and white shirt kneading doug.h
A close-up of black and white piano keys.
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